These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

New features

The account_info API will now provide, in addition to its regular behaviour:

  • A list of namespaces currently in use by at least one Hook State Object
  • A total count of all Hook State Objects the account has

Example query:

  "command": "account_info",
  "account": "raaFre81618XegCrzTzVotAmarBcqNSAvK"


  "result": {
    "account_data": {
      "Account": "raaFre81618XegCrzTzVotAmarBcqNSAvK",
      "HookNamespaces": [
      "HookStateCount": 49,
    "ledger_current_index": 5555046,
    "validated": false
  "status": "success",
  "type": "response"