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Welcome to XRPL Hooks documentation

If you have (technical) questions, please post them here. Try to help each other, and we (the XRPL Labs team, working on Hooks) will actively monitor discussions as well. If something is unclear (how to, why, design decisions, how would X work, etc.), please let us know as well: we may be able to update the documentation, examples, etc. based on your input.

Hooks testnet examples, docker image rippled node initialization

Attempting to play with rippled/hooks for first time. Using direction from following repo: <https://github.com/XRPL-Labs/xrpld-hooks/tree/hooks-ssvm> After running container, seems like rippled node is running, but network state is disconnected when queried. Attempting to run/install any of the included example hooks results in : disconnecter, code: 1000, and RippledNotInitializedError. Any chance someone could point me in the right direction here?

Xumm KYC

Is there a way to add the KYC status to the ripple account? Is there a way to call an outside api though a hook? I've got a hook that can only accept a specific issuer/token but I also want this to be pinned to the KYC that is done through Xumm.. Any thoughts?

Correct working wasm not being validated

Hey there, as you might have known, I'm working on <https://github.com/9oelM/hooks-rs> which is a Rust project that compiles Rust code into hook-compatible wasm. And I was working on some XFL support for one of my pull requests at <https://github.com/9oelM/hooks-rs/pull/11> with an integration test containing the problematic hook. While testing, I came across a very strange behavior of XRPL node when it validates hooks. Basically, if I add a bit more code that is supposed to be functional and working like any other code, it will suddenly stop the node from validating the hook. The preliminary observation (could be totally wrong) is that if I add too many block statements in the wasm file... the node will not validate my hook? The issue contains all the payloads and the details so please check it out. I've been wrestling with this for a while but couldn't really find meaningful solutions. I know it sounds like a rough summary and it is, so please do have a thorough read of the code and the Github issue: <https://github.com/9oelM/hooks-rs/issues/12>

How to get all out going payments of a specific address

platform: "nodejs" lib: "xrpl - ^2.5.0" I'm trying to print out all transactions made by a specific account but its showing 2 transactions even though I only sent one. I understand some what that there is in essence outgoing and incoming transactions. - from my source code what changes are needed to filter the sending account to show all outgoing transactions? - why am I seeing 2 transactions? - do i just need to filter by account? but then how do I differentiate the direction? thanks, sedo: 1) connect 2) create and fund sender and recipient 3) submitAndWait for transaction 4) request "account_tx" full code: ` const TESTNET_SERVER = 'wss://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51233' // Define the network client const client = new xrpl.Client(TESTNET_SERVER) await client.connect() // Derive a wallet from a bip39 Mnemonic - cold address - issuer const senderWallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromMnemonic(getMnemonic()) await client.fundWallet(senderWallet) // Derive a wallet from a bip39 Mnemonic - hot address - regular user's address const recipientWallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromMnemonic(getMnemonic()) await client.fundWallet(recipientWallet) var result = await transfer(client, senderWallet, recipientWallet) // Check transaction results ------------------------------------------------- console.log("Transaction result:", result) const tx_response = await client.request({ "command": "account_tx", "account": senderWallet.address, "validated": true }) console.log(tx_response) console.log( '*************************' ) console.log(tx_response.result.transactions) // Disconnect when done (If you omit this, Node.js won't end the process) client.disconnect() ` output: ` Transaction result: tesSUCCESS { id: 21, result: { account: 'rD9zvrG9G62UtzZtaUteaENTV7SgEdJqof', ledger_index_max: 32544985, ledger_index_min: 32476837, limit: 0, transactions: [ [Object], [Object] ], validated: true }, type: 'response' } ************************* [ { meta: { AffectedNodes: [Array], TransactionIndex: 3, TransactionResult: 'tesSUCCESS', delivered_amount: '1000000' }, tx: { Account: 'rfTxspF3GiroFd3Hfay2Th92kfVthDPenP', Amount: '1000000', Destination: 'rD9zvrG9G62UtzZtaUteaENTV7SgEdJqof', Fee: '12', Flags: 0, LastLedgerSequence: 32545003, Sequence: 32544980, SigningPubKey: '03315108259B667674B193C51691F16901BE10783BD612A8343FED94EB56FBFC25', TransactionType: 'Payment', TxnSignature: '304402207D8263B69C2C08AF06A1AD84C14055655DA0DFF2106B91AE3C33CD70365ABFE3022000E71A788AD60A451CC7D6E438CF029AA474087632627C07F59E0CB735DFD7ED', date: 720772413, hash: 'CF091E1871A1972EC9FC8252E4AD9D3C40893F2CA3B3B821B3D56D2E77B1688C', inLedger: 32544985, ledger_index: 32544985 }, validated: true }, { meta: { AffectedNodes: [Array], TransactionIndex: 1, TransactionResult: 'tesSUCCESS', delivered_amount: '1000000000' }, tx: { Account: 'rPT1Sjq2YGrBMTttX4GZHjKu9dyfzbpAYe', Amount: '1000000000', Destination: 'rD9zvrG9G62UtzZtaUteaENTV7SgEdJqof', Fee: '12', Flags: 2147483648, LastLedgerSequence: 32544986, Sequence: 4414467, SigningPubKey: '02356E89059A75438887F9FEE2056A2890DB82A68353BE9C0C0C8F89C0018B37FC', TransactionType: 'Payment', TxnSignature: '304402203EC0CEF2BEDDBEFA3093E5F9E951A55C514A780C06AD3A560BCEB1E9535E2F2602207E807454B35CC278D4437285DD457A0743145E5DE0702617BF5AA64CEDA0FED5', date: 720772411, hash: 'B36F8491C4235EF137E243DFF8A3273BE3FED544217B346D51DEF4AA7AF791C6', inLedger: 32544983, ledger_index: 32544983 }, validated: true } ] `

When XRPL HOOKS will be ready to use for Rust?

When XRPL HOOKS will be ready to use for Rust? If it is available where can I get the documentation to get started? Is this HOOKS can perform all smart contract functionalities on Ripple chain?

[accept Hook] - Cannot read property 'toBytesSink' of undefined

Hi, I am learning about Hooks and I wanted to try first with something simple and the "accept" hook. I am using your code in accept.js and when I run it with "node accept.js ssXUB..." I get the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toBytesSink' of undefined at BinarySerializer.writeFieldAndValue (/Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-binary-codec/dist/serdes/binary-serializer.js:125:32) at /Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-binary-codec/dist/types/st-object.js:130:19 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Function.STObject.from (/Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-binary-codec/dist/types/st-object.js:128:16) at serializeObject (/Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-binary-codec/dist/binary.js:59:32) at signingData (/Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-binary-codec/dist/binary.js:75:12) at Object.encodeForSigning (/Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-binary-codec/dist/index.js:37:12) at computeSignature (/Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-lib/dist/npm/transaction/sign.js:36:41) at signWithKeypair (/Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-lib/dist/npm/transaction/sign.js:59:42) at RippleAPI.sign (/Users/fuzio/Documents/Ripple/Github/webassembly-typescript/node_modules/ripple-lib/dist/npm/transaction/sign.js:163:16) Have you already faced this issue? Thank you

is hook execution atomic from another?

Hi there, I just have a question about the execution of the hook. So the first question would be: can the same hook that belongs to the same hook account execute concurrently if it receives multiple transactions from different accounts within a short time period, or at least start at different times and end at different times, but still have an overlap of the time in which they are executed? If the answer to the first question is no, you don't have to answer the next question because it is the premise of the next question. The next question goes like this: Let's say you mutate a state by using `state_set` in your hook. And you invoke the hook many times within a short period of time by sending several transactions to the hook for which it is installed to be invoked upon. Then is the mutation of the state always atomic? For example: ``` #include "hookapi.h" int64_t hook(uint32_t reserved) { uint8_t key[32] = {0}; int64_t count[1]; int64_t state_read_result = state(SBUF(count), key, 32); if (state_read_result == DOESNT_EXIST) { count[0] = 0; if (state_set(SBUF(count), key, 32) <= 0) { rollback(SBUF("failed to set count"), -2); } } else if (state_read_result <= 0) { rollback(SBUF("failed to read state"), -1); } else { count[0] += 1; if (state_set(SBUF(count), key, 32) <= 0) { rollback(SBUF("failed to set count"), -2); } } accept(SBUF(count), 1); _g(1, 1); // every hook needs to import guard function and use it at least once // unreachable return 0; } ``` And let's say 100 different accounts invoke the hook approximately within the same second, and the hook runs for those people approximately within the same time range. I am asking if it is possible that the `count[0]` is NOT `100` after all of successful 100 executions. I was designing some vault stuff using `state` and came to a conclusion that state mutation has to be atomic in order for all the hooks to be secure. But I couldn't find that in any of the documents, so I just wanted to confirm. KP

Is there a code example to how to blackist ongoing tx address ?

1. I would like to know If I can block the incomming transaction addr is a blacklisted one 2. How can I know if a particular addr already made a sucessful tx with me. Do I need to create a list , and how do I map and filter to them. Note : I am not from the C background, mostly javascript and java. please help Thank you.

V2 Trace and Fee

Hallo, I migrated my code from v1 to v2 and am having some issues. 1) I have to pay at least 2 XRP for all transactions (not just the setHook tx) to be validated. And even then it takes between 5 and 10 ledgers. Is that normal? 2) I can't "trace" variables. Example: Works: TRACEVAR(5); - logs: "5 5" Doesn't work: uint8_t x = 5; TRACEVAR(x); - logs: "x " I've tried with and without the TRACEVAR macro, with self-set variables and variables retrieved from state, but it doesn't work. But the variables are set because the code works fine. Did something change when logging into v2 that I missed? Appreciate any help! Greets Chris